Liability Release, Waiver, Discharge and Covenant Not to Sue
ISPP 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic
This is a legally binding Release, Waiver, Discharge and Covenant Not to Sue (collectively, “Release”), made voluntarily by me, the undersigned Releasor, on my own behalf, and on behalf of my heirs, including spouse and domestic partner and children, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively, “I” or “me”) to the International Society of Political Psychology (“ISPP”).
I am voluntarily participating in the ISPP 2025 Annual Conference (the “Conference”) in Prague, Czech Republic with a full understanding of the risks involved, including those associated with the Covid-19 global pandemic, and that it is my responsibility to inform myself regarding timely and best practices in order to reduce my chance of exposure to, illness from, and retransmission of Covid-19 and related illnesses. I also assume and agree to accept any and all risks to my safety, health, security and property during the course of participating in the Conference and all travel and activities relating thereto, including without limitation any and all airline travel, ground and other transportation, meals, lodging, recreational activities, side trips, excursions, tours, and other ancillary activities relating to the Conference (collectively, “Related Activities”). I am aware that it is my responsibility to stay abreast of travel requirements (e.g., vaccinations and associated documentation, visas, passports, etc.), any risks of travel to Prague or the Czech Republic, including risks associated with my safety, health and security. These risks include, but are not limited to, property damage and loss, death or injury resulting from accident, disease, terrorist acts, crime, or otherwise.
I acknowledge that there is currently a Level 1 Travel Warning for Prague specifically, and/or the Czech Republic, posted by the United States Department of State, but that this situation can change at any time, and that it is my responsibility to check for current information from my country of origin and/or residence. I am aware that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic or health emergency, and that I must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Czech government for travel and gatherings of large groups, as well as any rules established by the meeting venue. I am aware that any Travel Warnings or Alerts will be available for me to read on the web site found at, or comparable source in my country of origin and/or residence, and that in advance of the event, I may periodically check the State Department's website or comparable source in my country of origin and/or residence to see if any Travel Warnings or Alerts for Prague or the Czech Republic have been issued. I am aware that I can check on multiple web sites for requirements for travel to the Czech Republic and return travel to my country of origin/residence. ISPP assumes no responsibility for informing me of any such Travel Warnings, Alerts, or requirements or for any cancellation expenses relating thereto.
I acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding any security or health arrangements that may be made by ISPP, ISPP does not guarantee and is not responsible for my personal health or safety, nor the safety of my property while participating in the Conference or any and all Related Activities, whether arranged by ISPP, me or others. I further acknowledge that ISPP is not responsible for furnishing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as face masks, even if required by the Czech government and/or the meeting venue.
In light of the above and in consideration of being permitted to participate in the Conference, I do, for myself and my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns, release, waive, forever discharge, indemnify and hold harmless, and covenant not to sue ISPP, its respective subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors, successors and assigns, and all of its respective past, present, and future officers, directors, shareholders, members, employees, agents, volunteers, and contractors, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”), of and from any and every claim arising from or by reason of any illness, bodily injury, personal injuries, whether known or unknown (including emotional trauma), death, or property damage resulting or alleged to have resulted from any accident, incident, or other episode that may occur, whether based upon the negligence of, or breach of contract by, any Releasee or any other party for whose acts or omissions any Releasee may be responsible in law or in fact, or any other cause or principle of law, as a result of, arising from or relating to my participation in the Conference or any activities in connection with or relating to the Conference or any and all Related Activities (collectively, the “Released Claims’). I further agree to indemnify Releasees and to hold each of them harmless from any and all liability, claim, action, damage, expense (including reasonable attorney’s fees), arising from or related to any injury or illness I may sustain arising from or relating to the Released Claims.
Virtual and/or Hybrid Attendees: ISPP may provide virtual and/or hybrid access to the 2025 Annual Meeting for those who have registered for this access. Virtual connectivity will be via the Internet. You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining, at your own expense, all equipment needed to access the 2025 Annual Meeting, including but not limited to, Internet access and appropriate bandwidth. You are also responsible for obtaining and maintaining, at your own expense, security software to safeguard your equipment and data. ISPP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SECURITY OR DATA BREACHES, OR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM VIRTUAL AND/OR HYBRID PARTICIPATION IN THE MEETING. ISPP IS ALSO NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR A POOR VIRTUAL AND/OR HYBRID EXPERIENCE DUE TO ISSUES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONNECTIVITY, THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE, INADEQUATE BANDWIDTH, OR OTHER TECHNOLOGY ISSUES, OR LACK OF ADEQUATE SESSION MANAGEMENT.
Virtual and/or Hybrid Attendees are expected to abide by the same Code of Conduct as in-person attendees. You may not upload or otherwise communicate any threatening, offensive, or improper content, or harass or violate the rights of any other attendees or event or ISPP staff or volunteers. You may not upload viruses or harmful components to the event platform. You may not solicit funds during the course of the meeting.
This Release contains the entire agreement between the parties to this Release, and this Release supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, and negotiations between them, regarding its subject matter. This Release shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California, United States, without reference to its conflict of laws rules, and shall be as broad and inclusive as permitted by such laws. If any provision of this Release is held invalid, it is agreed that the other provisions of the Release shall, notwithstanding, continue in full force and legal effect.
I have carefully read the foregoing Release, understand its contents, and acknowledge that this is a release of liability and as such is a binding and fully enforceable contract between ISPP and me. Having consulted, or having had the opportunity to consult, my own counsel as to its meaning and legal effect, I sign this Release as my own free act.
Note: ISPP requires that each adult 18 and over whose name appears on the same application must personally sign a copy of this Release.
- I give ISPP permission to record any and all sessions in which I am involved as an attendee, and to make those recorded sessions available via its web site, its YouTube channel, or otherwise, as the organization deems appropriate, indefinitely.
- ISPP’s events provide opportunities for learning, sharing ideas, gaining knowledge, and engagement in a welcoming environment for all. All sessions are monitored, and we will not tolerate harassment, intimidation, or inappropriate behavior of any kind toward any participant or group. All attendees should behave professionally. ISPP reserves the right to deny registration to or remove any conference attendee, guest, or other person at any time for reasons that, in its sole discretion, it deems sufficient.
- I also acknowledge that registration fees are non-refundable.