Both paper and blitz panels as well as poster sessions
Carefully selected plenary speakers
Plenty of networking opportunities
Interactive Roundtables
Audience engagement on important issues
Our 2021 Annual Meeting will be virtual! Join us online 11-13 July 2021. Sessions will be scheduled LIVE in MULTIPLE TIME ZONES, including Asia and Oceania. Conference event descriptions are given below.
You are unable to search for your presentation in the schedule below. However, if you download the 2021 ISPP Conference App (instructions are found below), you can search for your presentation using the Agenda Icon and the filter on the top right corner.
2021 ISPP Annual Meeting Program Book
You can also view the conference program booklet, now available HERE.
Panel sessions are made up of 3 to 5 papers. Authors on these panels will have 10 to 15 minutes to present their paper live during the session. Any slides, videos, or visual aids will need to be finalized and uploaded by 27 June (instructions on where and how to upload your materials will be provided prior to the deadline). Your materials will automatically appear when it is your time to speak according to the order of papers in the program. You can advance through your presentation materials using the arrow keys on your laptop or computer. Audience members are not visible to presenters or each other, but are able to use a chat function to pose questions to the panel.
Roundtables provide a space for up to 5 presenters to discuss a theme or topic. These sessions are more interactive than panels, and both presenters and audience members are visible and able to speak (if they choose to have their camera and microphone enabled). The Chairs of roundtables will facilitate discussion and call on speakers and audience to participate.
Blitz (lightning-fast) sessions are meeting spaces for 6-8 presenters to discuss pre-recorded videos. Each Blitz participant will be expected to watch all other videos from their session ahead of time, and a designated moderator will facilitate discussion among panelists and audience members during the scheduled session. The pre-recorded videos should be no longer than 5 minutes and include no more than 4 slides. The pre-recorded presentation is due by 21 June (instructions on where and how to upload your recorded presentation will be provided prior to the deadline). Both presenters and audience members are visible and able to speak (if they choose to have their camera and microphone enabled).
This year we are incorporating social sessions into the conference program. These sessions are meant to encourage networking and conversations between participants. There are two conference-wide social sessions entitled, “Conference-Wide Speed Greeting” (30 minutes each), open to all attendees and where participants will have an opportunity to chat in small groups with other attendees. We will also have meet-and- greet social sessions targeted at certain attendees (i.e., first-time attendees; scholars from Africa; parent scholars, etc.). These are longer sessions (80 minutes) and attendees are welcome to drop in. A host is assigned to each of these events and can facilitate discussion and/or randomly assign participants to breakout rooms for smaller groups.
(The University of Waikato)
Title: Indigenising psychology: claiming a kaupapa Māori space (Waikaremoana Waitoki, Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Hako)
Bio: Dr. Waikaremoana Witoki is a Senior Research Fellow in the Māori Psychology Research Unit at the University of Waikato and a clinical psychologist with work and research interests in Kaupapa Māori psychology. Waikaremoana is currently the President of the New Zealand Psychological Society. See their Faculty Page for more information.
(University of Toronto)
Title: Beyond Recognition, Towards Abolition: Indigenous Theories of Change and Justice in Psychology
Bio: Dr. Jeffrey Ansloos is a Registered Psychologist and Assistant Professor of Indigenous Health and Social Policy in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Dr. Ansloos is the Canada Research Chair in Critical Studies in Indigenous Health and Social Action on Suicide. Dr. Ansloos is Nehiyaw (Cree) and English and is a member of Fisher River Cree Nation (Ochekwi-Sipi; Treaty 5). He was born and raised in the heart of Treaty 1 territory in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(Duke University)
Title: Diversifying the Pipeline in Political Science: How Increasing Representation Makes for Better Science.
Bio: Dr. Paula McClain is the James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Political Science and a Professor of Public Policy at Duke University, where she is also Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education. She directs the Ralphe Bunche Summer Institute and has served as president of the American Political Science Association, the Midwest Political Science Association, the Southern Political Science Association and the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences having been elected in 2014.
Use the 2021 conference app to search for your session, plan your schedule, and stay updated on important conference details! Note, the app provides schedule times in the UTC-4 (Montreal) time zone. The app will continue to be updated with additional information up to and during the conference.
First, the app requires you to enter the event code to access ISPP’s 2021 Conference App. Code: ispp2021. Following this step, you will want to sign in to access certain app features. You can sign in using the e-mail address and password you use to access all areas of ISPP. You can access the app via the Internet URL below, downloading the app on your phone, or you can use the QR codes below.
Click here to view:
Important App Notes: For those using the app on your laptop - hold the mouse and drag it upwards to scroll. At this time, the app is not set up to run in the Firefox browser. Please use a different browser to access the app online.
Android: iPhone:
You can also download the Events Air app from the App Store and sign in using the code ispp2021 and your regular ISPP login credentials.
SIGNING IN: First, the app requires you to enter the event code to access ISPP’s 2021 Conference App. Code: ispp2021 Following this step you will want to sign in to access certain app features. You can sign in using the e-mail address and password you use to access all areas of ISPP.
AGENDA: You can use this feature to add items to MY AGENDA and view the full conference schedule including keynote sessions, social sessions, and screen breaks. You can also search for speakers, co-authors, and session roles (i.e., Chair) using this feature.
MY AGENDA: This feature allows you to streamline your conference experience by creating a personal conference schedule. To add items to MY AGENDA you will need to use the AGENDA icon to search for specific sessions. At the bottom of each session is a link stating, “Add To My Agenda.” Click the link to add this item to your agenda and navigate back to the MY AGENDA icon to view the updated version of your personal schedule.
SPEAKERS: This icon will allow you to easily search for sessions by the name of the presenting author. Once you find the session you are interested in, you can navigate to the AGENDA icon to locate the session and add it to MY AGENDA. Abstracts for all sessions are only available in this feature.
ALERTS: Check this feature for updates about the conference such as virtual room changes, last-minute meetings, organized events, etc.
For questions regarding the submission process, scheduling, and other matters related to the content of the program, please contact the 2021 Program Committee (Second e-mail listed below). For questions regarding the venue, lodging, and conference logistics, please contact ISPP's Central Office (First e-mail listed below).
P.O. Box 1213
Columbus, NC 28722
+1 (828) 894.5422