ISPP 46th Annual Meeting

9 - 11 July, 2023

Montréal, Québec, Canada


The submission process for the 2023 Annual Meeting is CLOSED

The deadline to submit abstracts was 1 November.

Acceptance/Rejection notifications were sent out on 13 February. Presenters had to confirm their participation by registering and paying for the conference before the presenter deadline on 19 March 2023. Those not registered by the deadline were dropped from the program.

Please contact, if you have any questions about your submission.

Submission Deadline

1 November 2022


Paper submissions are individual paper abstracts submitted for review. Abstract guidelines are available HERE and in the submission portal under Abstract Entry. If accepted, the individual paper will be added to a panel. Each panel is generally made up of four papers. Each paper will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions. This will total 80 minutes and leave 10 minutes for set up and general discussion. A chair will be assigned to each panel to introduce speakers, regulate order and timing of the talks, facilitate the question and answer sessions, and formally close the session. It is our hope that many panels will also have discussants. You will be asked to indicate your willingness to serve as Chair or Discussant when you submit your abstract.


Poster submissions are individual poster abstracts submitted for review. Abstract guidelines are available HERE and in the submission portal under Abstract Entry. Accepted posters will be allocated to a Poster Session at this year's Annual Meeting. The room holding the Poster Session will be open during designated times to allow for poster set up. Materials will be provided to hang your poster. We ask that you have your poster printed prior to arriving at the conference; ISPP will not have the capability to print posters on the premises. If you need to ship your poster via post, please contact the ISPP Central Office for specific instructions.

**The poster boards that will be used during the conference are 4′ x 8′ (48 inches/121.92 cm in height by 96 inches/243.84 cm in width) and will be horizontal in orientation. Please see THIS PHOTO of one of the boards. Push pins or tacks will be provided. 



Blitz Presentation Sessions will feature a series of short talks and a moderated discussion, each covering a bite-sized bit of research, offering the audience a fast-paced overview of political psychology research. Those selected for Blitz presentations will be given a slot on the program with 6-8 other presenters. Due to time constraints, only one presenter is allowed on co-authored work. Abstract guidelines are available HERE and in the submission portal under Abstract Entry. 


To capture the diversity of ISPP there are 12 sections with designated Section Chairs, as you can see below. Section Chairs are responsible to review all conference submissions made to their designated section. 

1. Understanding how social change emerges, evolves, and manifests in modern societies: The role of social norms in shaping human behavior | Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez - University of Salamanca; Nicholas Davis - University of Alabama

2. Conflict, Violence, and Terrorism | Manuel Moyano Pacheco - Universidad de Córdoba; Mirra Noor Milla - University of Indonesia

3. Intergroup Relations | Nicholas Haas - Aarhus Univeristy; Gloria Jimenez-Moya - Universidad Católica de Chile; Jasper Van Assche - Université Libre de Bruxelles

4. Leadership and Political Personality | Robert Hinckley - SUNY Potsdam; Giovana Leone - Sapienza

5. Political Behavior, Participation, and Civic Engagement | Maja Kutlaca - Durham Univeristy; Silvia Cataldi - Sapienza University of Rome

6. Public Opinion and Political Communication | Mathieu Turgeon - Western University; Cengiz Erisen - Yeditepe University

7. Political Culture, Identity, and Language | Benjamin Ruisch - Univeristy of Kent; Elif Sandal Onal - Bielefeld University

8. Social Inequality, Social Change, and Civic Development | Katerina Petkanopoulos - University of Crete; Guillermo Willis - Universidad de Granada; Silvia Galdi - University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

9. International Relations, Globalization, and Macropolitical Issues | Kathleen Powers - Dartmouth College; Kesi Mahendran - Open Univeristy

10. Biology, Genetics, and Neuroscience | Leor Zmigrod - University of Cambridge; Aaron Weinschenk - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

11. Race, Gender, Ethnicity, and Religion | Angel Saavedra Cisneros - Bowdoin University; Erin Hennes - University of Missouri

12. New Theoretical and Methodological Developments | Melissa Baker - The University of Texas at El Paso; Fade Eadeh - Seattle University

Contact Us

For questions regarding the submission process, scheduling, and other matters related to the content of the program, please contact the 2023 Program Committee (Second e-mail listed below). For questions regarding the venue, lodging, and conference logistics, please contact ISPP's Central Office (First e-mail listed below). 


P.O. Box 1213

Columbus, NC 28722